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What is Shockwave Therapy?


Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low energy acoustic pulses applied directly to the injured tissue through a handheld device. Shockwave is effective at treating chronic conditions by restarting the bodies natural healing process. It can relieve pain and promote healing in chronic injured tissue.

How Does it Work?

​Shockwave uses a single acoustic pulse that is characterized by a rapid rise to a high peak pressure followed by a rapid drop to below the normal pressure. These pulses are sent to the affected area on the body through contact with the skin to create a healing response. This impact caused by the pulse stimulates the bodies natural healing process.



Who Can Benefit?

Shockwave is most effective at treating chronic conditions typically of a tendon. Some tendinopathies/tendonitis' do not respond well to traditional forms of treatment and shockwave can help restart the healing process. â€‹


How a Physiotherapist Can Help:

Physiotherapists are highly trained healthcare professionals who can integrate shockwave into your treatment plan to address your specific condition. Here's how they can assist:
• Assessment: A physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment to understand the root cause of your condition, whether it's pain, muscle tension, or another issue. They will determine if shockwave is a suitable modality for your case.
• Treatment Plan: If shockwave is appropriate, your physiotherapist will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. 
• Shockwave Procedure: During the treatment, your physiotherapist will use the shockwave at a specific setting and timing to deliver the best results based on how you react. They will apply a gel prior to using the shockwave gun to allow for easy gliding across your tissue.
• Monitoring and Adjustments: Your physiotherapist will closely monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. They will work with you to achieve the best possible outcomes for your condition. By incorporating shockwave into your physiotherapy treatment, you can experience relief from pain, improved muscle function, and enhanced overall well-being under the guidance of a skilled physiotherapist.

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